A wish, an idea or a need for an entirely new organization or structure requires thorough preparation before the actual project or implementation can start. The same applies to growth challenges, developments or changes. That is quintessential work for a quartermaster.

A quartermaster is a forerunner / trailblazer who prepares to set up something new within the organization, between organizations or independently, where he shapes 'the new' together with the client, until it can be transferred to a new organization (or part of the organization).

De Hooftzaak likes to organize something completely new; from 'preparing' what is now a new ripening method for cheese to organizing a future-proof intuitive learning environment for a new organization yet to be developed. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, De Hooftzaak knows how to deal with unique circumstances, major uncertainties and conflicting interests. It is precisely in these environments that quartermasters come into their own and can play a leading role in the necessary transitions.

Do you have a wish or growth challenge but you don't know how to tackle it yet? Call or email!

T: +31 610493644

E: corstiaan@dehooftzaak.nl

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