A clear vision, a clear mission and an effective strategy are indispensable for any organization to successfully navigate an uncertain future. By understanding the internal and external environment and developing possible scenarios, with guts and leadership, organizations can make the right choices for the future.

By developing and implementing an effective strategy with De Hooftzaak as a partner, you can prepare your organization for the future. De Hooftzaak does not determine the strategy of your organization, but works together to inspire, stimulate and challenge you and your team or organization. Together we design a strategy that is supported by the entire organization: a realistic but daring strategy that takes the full scope into account.


The development of a strategy is an important step, but its implementation is no less important. How do you translate the strategy into concrete action plans and change agendas? Producing, for example, an A3 or OGSM that translates to the entire ecosystem can guide the implementation. Answering questions such as 'what are we going to do?', 'what has priority?' and 'when and how do we do this?' enable supported implementation by the organization itself.

Change is challenging; De Hoofzaak is there to support and guide you through such a transition.

Are you curious about what De Hooftzaak can do for your organization? I am happy to make time for an inspirational conversation. Call or email!

T: +31(6)10493644


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